This is Katrina Colucci. She is a Senior at George Mason University studying Bioengineering . She loves dancing and playing sports such as basketball. Katrina is Team Manager.
This is Caitlin Johnson. She is also a Senior at George Mason University studying Bioengineering. Caitlin loves traveling, speaks Italian and is a teacher. Caitlin is Team Lead.
This is Elizabeth Tarbox. She is also a Senior at George Mason University studying Bioengineering. Elizabeth is a paramedic and she loves dogs. Elizabeth is the Technical Engineer.
Lastly we have Zaineb Nawaz. She is also a Senior at George Mason University studying Bioengineering. She is from Pakistan and her favorite color is blue. She is Technical Engineer.
The first letter of our first names. Zaineb, Elizabeth, Caitlin, Katrina = ZECK!
Our team name!